Steven Q. Stanley

Anytime I forget modern feminism is nothing more than white cisgendered women trying to make everyone beelive their struggles are on par with POC or other marginalized groups the Jezebel comments will always be here to remind me. The amoubns of cis privilege and gender binary privilege here is palpable.

Great way to get people to come to your side, insult them.

Tom is giddy with excitement. Another black athlete to crucify.

There is something cringeworthy about a white person getting enjoyment from a black person dancing in this matter, specifically that you can essentially force a POC to dance for your enjoyment any time you want by pressing a play button. I won’t say it’s racist, but it’s definitely awkward to let everyone know you

Yeah, but jsut ask the white women here, no biggie.

But it’s OK because white feminism.

Are you actually denying that women and POC are given false “choices” by a male patriarchal society and that these “choices” are anything but? Fucking wow.

Thanks. We can tell little black girls that want to be scientists that they can instead be street smart and read books that don’t equate to higher pay or better social standing.

I ask again. This makes it OK how? You still have not answered that. Saying that women and POC making choices in a white man’s society that helps force and define those choices somehow alleviates those choices and those actions from being problematic or marginalizing POC is so incredibly stupid you are beyond help at

And this makes it OK how?

If you need someone who is smarter and a better writer than I to tell you why this is not OK. Here. I understand my disgust turns people off, but fuck those people.

Thank you.

If Clarence Thomas and Stacy Dash say something about race, it must be fact. Great logic.

Probably because most of us do not go see movies made for white people.

I love how everyone forgot/excused the racism of this movie in the name of white feminism. It’s 2016 and there are 4 characters, 3 who are white who are scientists and one who is black who works for MTA. In no world should that be OK. Look at the comments here in this post.. McKinnon, Wiig, and McCarthy are mentioned

Too bad little black girls can’t feel the same way about being a scientist. The blatant racism of this movie is ignored int he name of white feminism. Glad it made you feel good about yourself though.

Racism. The movie is racist. Thanks for reminding us modern feminism is white feminism.

Is this article saying interracial marriage OK? Because interracial marriage is not OK. While it is OK for black people to marry whites, it is never OK for a white person to marry a black person and thus interracial marriage, at least black and white is in no way OK. Is this 2016 or what? People pimping black/white

Every man is a rape waiting to happen, getting intoxicated in the presence of one or more of them is stupid. Is it fair? No, of course not hat’s why male privilege exists. But should be common sense to not drink around people looking to rape you. She could have stated this better in her article though.

We all agree Trump is terrible, do we need to perpetuate the myth of antisemitism? It’s like saying racism against white people is a thing. Jewish people are incredibly privileged and hold an insane amount of global power, and a huge portion of the power in the US. Their persecution is non-existent. Can we please