Steven Q. Stanley

Loving v. Virginia was an AllLivesMatter/”I don’t see color.” win. In 2018 people of color marrying and breeding with white people is not OK for obvious reasons.

You’ll never get white parents to have their white kids feeling shitty. It’s great to tell adults to take stock of their privilege, but you simply can’t explain to a 6, 7, 8, even teen aged kids that they need to get over it if they feel shity for being white because of stuff they didn’t do. It’s not that kids fault

Yep. When someone claims someone like Tim Burton should have more POC in his movies I just roll my eyes. White writers cannot and should not write nonwhite characters. White directors should not direct nonwhite actors. Period. Let white folk make their white movies. Black people need to tell their stories.

I like how idiots today equate to “learning” as painting a Scarlet Letter on the accused/guilty’s foreheads and casting them into the shadows in a sewer. If they dare poke their heads up out of the sewer they get kicked back in because LEARN YOUR LESSON! CONSEQUENCES! USA! USA! USA!

The whole “not being part of a collective” is the feature, not a bug, of being an Uber driver.

With Republicans cheating (gerrymandering/closing voting places/etc) you cant win elections without these morons. So, are they crazy loons? Absolutely. Can we win by calling them racist, xenophobic, sexists, rubes? I wish, but no. So what do we do?

Why do white people think it is OK to make or write accusatory statements about black men and rape. If you don’t know why this is problematic pick up a history book. No, white people, including white women, do not get a voice when it comes to accusing a black man of rape.

This feels like the reverse of the Blake Lively “LA face and an Oakland booty” thing. The clueless Jezebel writer (in that case) didn’t get the Sir-Mix-A-Lot reference and declared her Lively’s post “racist.” Here, the context of the term “Oreo” to describe disconnected, upwardly mobile black Americans seems to be

Translation: Vote for the white person I tell you too dammit!!

Many of those speaking out against this man, including here, as well as the administrators at the school are white. If you read you will see nowhere did I say the alleged victim was white. I would assume ze is, due to the nature of John Doe’s lawsuit, but nowhere did I state my assumption. Many of the black men

Great to hear. The false accusation among men of color, especially black men by white people has a long and torrid history. One that should not be forgotten in the name of white feminism. The man should be investigated, but white people do not get a say here.

Anytime I forget modern feminism is nothing more than white cisgendered women trying to make everyone beelive their struggles are on par with POC or other marginalized groups the Jezebel comments will always be here to remind me. The amoubns of cis privilege and gender binary privilege here is palpable.

I love how everyone forgot/excused the racism of this movie in the name of white feminism. It’s 2016 and there are 4 characters, 3 who are white who are scientists and one who is black who works for MTA. In no world should that be OK. Look at the comments here in this post.. McKinnon, Wiig, and McCarthy are mentioned

Too bad little black girls can’t feel the same way about being a scientist. The blatant racism of this movie is ignored int he name of white feminism. Glad it made you feel good about yourself though.

Racism. The movie is racist. Thanks for reminding us modern feminism is white feminism.

I would guess because it trivializes an important movement. I am sure it is not intentional but it is essentialy mocks BLM or at least uses it to mock others, which is in no way OK. But white people feel free to co-op whatever they want from POC and make it a joke to get more clicks.