Steven Q. Stanley

Please white man, tell us more. More whitesplaining please.

What is this woman’s race? If she is white, this fine, but if she is of color, then lock this asshole up and throw away the key.

Yet everyday Jez writers push the gender binary.

He is not dark enough to pass for a true African. Not light enough for Marshall. No to both.

Same for Black Panther, not dark enough.

1. All POC deserve safe spaces from white people in their homes. If you have a white parent or spouse, you lose this. Not OK.

Loving v. Virginia was an AllLivesMatter/”I don’t see color.” win. In 2018 people of color marrying and breeding with white people is not OK for obvious reasons.

Good to see People of Color fighting back against colonialism. Bermuda is still majority black. Sorry white people, you can’t have everything.

Correct. Gender is meaningless. It’s 2018 and this still has to be explained to so called progressive people.

I know we now live in a world absent of nuance and complexity, so I am probably a bad person for admitting to this.... But this both broke my heart and made me laugh.

It could absolutely be worse. We could vote for a Democratic candidate who isn’t an undocumented, afro-cuban, trans woman, lesbian whose father didn’t attend Dartmouth. Can you imagine?

There is no question that there is, or at least was (during the filming of King of Kong) a Twin Galaxies Inner Circle. This is further validated by other classic games docs like Chasing Ghosts and Man vs Snake. Rogers is/was definitely part of that circle. You also get the feeling watching those movies (I’m not even

This is some white savior bullshit. People of color should not have to rely on white people to get what is rightfully theirs. White people should not be celebrated for shit like this.

This is news to people who post in comments here and live on twitter, but most people just do not care about this stuff. Taht includes black folks whose families have been here since Lincoln. We tend to live in a bubble where we’re looking for that next big thing to be offended by and that doesn’t mean we’re wrong to

This is some white people shit right here.

This is a good thing. White kids need to go to their own schools, as well as children of color need to go to schools with teachers who are of color as well. We do not need white teachers teaching non-white children.

Stuff that is nuanced needs to go away. Movie is trash.

The LGBT community has consent issues. You are seeing a similar thing with trans people who think cis people who are attracted to cis people have to have sex with them. No oenhas a right to tell anyone who they have to have consensual sex with or who they can be attracted to.

So tired of white people trying to pass off as black because they have a black ancestor. This lady is white and I bet she voted for Trump.

The fact that white people loved the article should tell Damon, and those who liked it, everything they need to know. In the comments you had white nationalists agreeing with black women. I can appreciate what black women have to deal with, but siding with Nazis and gray trolls should tell you that you need to rethink