
The best example of calling someone out through editing was when James talked about being a DJ and being more successful than everyone and they cut to him at the doggy event, announcing that someone had found keys and he had them at the DJ table. I died.

It’s funny how every time Scheana goes on long rant to anyone about how Katie’s been an insufferable bitch about her wedding, they immediately flash back to her wedding planning and wedding day. They are showing those receipts hard core.

Who of us hasn’t begged an author to be let out of the greys? The kinja version of a knighthood. Some with more success that others.

I remember seeing a study suggest that periods are considered inauthentic in fast paced text speak because it means you had to think about what you wrote. It’s ludicrous, but apparently very common.

Yea, I have tons of respect for those Yemeni bodega owners; you know they work on really narrow profit margins, and closing down for 8 hours was a big sacrifice for a lot of them.

If the pussy isn’t pink you’ve got a problem.

That is a beautiful photo, the dress is chic and a subtle, fashiony nod to the pink pussy movement.

This just occurred to me: I’m going to buy whiteboard paint, paint it onto foam board, and use dry-erase markers for signs. Then I can reuse the signs.

Rachel Maddow had a good segment on last night’s show talking about how the protests are actually working far better than comparitive tea party era ones. Public opinion is with us.

I can see Beyoncé in the eyes and brows more now as she ages. But when she was an infant especially - she looked exactly like Jay.

America needs extra right now.

I can’t help but think how better all of our lives would have been if Bethenny’s Daddy loved her half as much as he did those fucking horses.

“Ensure the client is fed” is deeply funny to me.

I liked Khole more when she was a little bit chubby and all about the sass. Her attitude now is more about being superior than everyone else. Kourtney has usurped Khole’s place in my heart. And that’s sad, because Kourtney is the Kardashian equivalent of watching paint dry.

finishing of his sentence “Period!” with an exclamation point is like some kind of meta-stupidity.

...“the more repellent side of feminism: the vile, crude, man-hating, violent, nasty side”...

You definitely can’t have more than an A cup for that. That’d be a boob window on me.

(credit to Mona Chalabi)

The press is covering this administration. But how they are going about it is different. For example, CNN has stopped reporting live like they have done with every administration beforehand. Instead, they record it, fact check it and then air it with corrections. Which is brilliant. This administration thought they