
How cool is it that a real artist decided to make a real life version from the painting in Bojack’s office?

Exactly! He is acting like she really limited his ability to post on social media at all, but really, he’s just not allowed to be human garbage.

Strongly recommend the show “Good Girls”. Christina Hendricks and Retta together, what more could you want? It’s got an interesting storyline and the talent is strong, plus it’s easy to watch. 

I think it all comes down to the fact that Rose looks old enough to be Jack’s Junior High English teacher. They’re a pair that do absolutely nothing for me romance-wise.

Girl, I wouldn’t care if I was naked with a needle in my arm, if Oprah showed up that shit BETTER be on camera for when I brag my brains out about it. #Thatsjustme

“And Scary Spice was Posh Spice.”

I am gathering that I MUST finally watch this dumpster fire.  It sounds so delicious!  

I recently went to TomTom while visiting LA for work (not even the slightest bit ashamed)- my server was around 13 but sweet, the food was okay and LISA VANDERPUMP was there and spoke to me and was GORGEOUS and super nice. That’s all. Also, Ken was there with Giggy in a tracksuit (who dined on the table FROM THE

After all these years, Kelsey’s still that bitter about being upstaged by that dog, eh?

This is Daisy the Pirate. She’ll plunder all your candy and beg for all the pets you’ll give.

“marriage p-surg” really fucked me up for a hot minute

Oh yes! I get to express my extreme dislike for Hilaria Baldwin, who purports to be helping women by displaying scantily clad pictures of herself post baby. Why do women need to look like you post baby? Why is your ego so big? Why did Alec Baldwin unleash you on the world?

why does every round up of late night hosts overlook the King, Graham Norton? The winning formula: Throw a party, invite everyone at once, let them talk to each other and respond to each other’s stories, and serve booze. 

I have one kid, and every time I heard, “But you’re such a good mom, you should have more!” My answer was along the lines of “The reason I’m a good mom is that I know how much I can handle successfully.” That shut them up, left them feeling vaguely dissed and also like feeling dissed was their own fault. It was kind

I typically can’t roll my eyes hard enough at “I don’t understand why this site is obsessed with [fill in famous/charming/noteworthy/typically-but-not-always WOC name here],” comments, BUT! I can’t take it anymore. Y’all. What the fuck is up with the Jennifer Garner shit? I get that she seems like a nice, goofy “just

Never Forget...

Nope. They are still together, and looking even more alike than ever now that Joe is sporting a beard.  

Unless I misread the post, the pills are sent through the mail to the woman in need of them. No pharmacist needed.

Could be worse. I work at Micheals in the frame shop and one of our collections of custom moldings is by them and that means I have a lifesized cardboard cutout of them haunting my every step as I work. Their eyes follow my every movement. Their perfectly pressed chambray shirts cast a sickly blue light over my

The Freedom (no pull) harness, from Pet Expertise (link).

My dogs’ behavior completely changed for the better the first time I walked her in it. She no longer tries to dislocate my shoulder when she comes across a feral cat or squirrel.

The Freedom (no pull) harness, from Pet Expertise (link).

My dogs’ behavior completely changed for the better the