Kat Dennings.
The OJ version vindicated Marcia Clark since she was treated horribly by the media during that trial.
Holy shit this is so thinly veiled it should have been called Smientology.
Anyone make a Lourd and Taylor joke yet?
No. I didn’t even know he was straight.
I think it’s more the Russian blackmail angle that has people upset. In contrast, Trump supporters, who are more likely to be anti-gay and shocked by fetishes, are probably not fazed by any aspect of it. And, of course, anti-Trump folks are going to use the opportunity to take the piss out of him.
Never having seen an episode of 7th Heaven, I can still swear with certitude that Catherine Hicks’ quip about Collins’ coffin in still the best thing about that show ever.
I wonder if he stole those too.
Don’t be fooled, she loves the attention and flattery and Hollywood bullshit. No woman puts up with that insane wedding, with the ferrying guests in on boats for pap pics and wearing seven different outfits, or attending all his award ‘dos, if she isn’t into the fame thing. She married a guy who does coffee maker…
My goal for the new year is to finally get my mental health sorted out. I’ve got my first ever appointment with a psychiatrist in March so that should help. The rest will be up to me which is where the real work begins. Hopefully a diagnosis and some meds will help too.
I know. I blubber up every time they show Gary Fisher and I imagine him getting up and wagging his tail hopefully that it’s his mom every time a door opens.
tsumamy - love the description.
Addams Family Values. It’s the sequel, but maybe actually better than the first.
Because she is the sharpest tool in the VR shed. Ariana is perhaps tied for 1st with her, but is stable/in a low-conflict love relationship/boring so Stassi was needed to liven things back up. Stassi has not been “betrayed” lately so she needed to “create” a little sizzle, but failed. Sobbing,“Ariana comes out of the…