I am saddest about not having a fitting conclusion to Betty’s story. Betty was definitely the best part of Masters of Sex.
I am saddest about not having a fitting conclusion to Betty’s story. Betty was definitely the best part of Masters of Sex.
The first season was sort of decent, but after that it was so slow. Scene after scene of two people talking, with painstaking candor: Bill and Libby, Bill and Virginia, Virginia and Libby, rinse and repeat. So goddamn talky.
I can tell you that “Inbred People Playing with Knives, Ends Poorly For the Ginger One” is something that happens around my white family quite often.
“Bush doesn’t care about black people.” -Kanye West, 2005.
When I saw Hector strapped to that bed, I immediately began Phase One of my “saving $40,000" plan. Wait for me, baby!
Call her up and yell. She deserves it.
It’s fun and unifying to have a mega-talented entertainer with the broad appeal of Beyonce. She’s our common ground. Our Breakfast at Tiffany’s, if you will! Wanting to be part of something as grand and widespread as Beyonce fandom is easy and completely understandable.
I would have rather to have a gay husband who were my best friend and eat all the stuff I cook without complaining that my shitty ex-husband from real life.
The only good thing about Taylor Swift is the kick I get when Kid Fury goes on his anti swift tirades or reading Jezebel comments saying she makes real artistic music relative to Beyonce. Entertainment via a degree of separation is the only entertainment I could get from this person.
At this guy’s age, dressing as a Viagra bottle seems more appropriate.
Adele’s PR manager high-fiving all around the bar: “ALL BASES COVERED! BOOM!”.
That’s the thing about every Clinton “revelation”: I find out something that makes me uncomfortable or leave a bad taste in my mouth, and then I remember that the other side is doing shit a thousand times worse and it’s hard to give a shit about Clinton anymore.
Hubz and I dressed up as Blac Chyna and Rob for Halloween and the official Rob Kardashian liked our pic so basically I’m a celebrity - yes it’s very nice to meet me!
There are two things that need to be laid at the feet of Uber and Lyft:
I want someone to look at me the way this dog looks at his life-sized Gumby.
I sense that she is going to vote for Hillary but for obvious reasons she can not tell and, in the end, no one should say for whom is going to vote.
This is one of the more confusing excuses for demanding unprotected sex with a girlfriend and I’ve heard some doozies over the years, especially from older family members and friends.
I refuse to believe they are banging now.
Hamm needs to stick to playing supporting cast jerk-off white dudes, either seriously or in comedies and both in movies or TV. There’s a vibe about him where he comes off as aggressively mean and he should use it.
How about you don’t grab them anywhere. Not the pussy, the brain, or anything in between.