
Oh, I thought the joke was that Stamos couldn’t easily narrow down who he’s been in bed with. Am I giving Saget too much credit for wit?

Why did Sesame Street send out a blank tweet?

Yeah, I can’t believe she’d treat a friend who she disagrees with on an issue w/ respect instead of throwing him under the bus.

I don’t see how she’s dancing around anything. She and Kurt are friends, denounced his views and fired him nonetheless, and explained that she thinks focus on him over rape is counterproductive.

I had the same thoughts, but someone pointed out that he’s hamming it up for the camera and that’s when she seems “honey I love you but”

Aww.. I always found her lovely.

My dick has missed your art so much, Tara!

How fascinating that being your kid’s best friend is the reason Katie Holmes is a 5/5 mom and Jada Pinkett Smith is a 1/5 mom. I wonder what on earth the difference between these two women could possibly be to provoke such disparate reactions to the same information. Hmmm.

Still v. glad I didn’t go to college in the South

OK, but how many years has it been since Nick Denton has seen Suri?

Her follow up was really good. I don’t care for all the Swift hate on here. She’s a young lady who enjoys dating and her friends. News at 11. The Kanye feud thing and the surprise phone call is pretty silly. I think she’s great.

Any women here need (or know of young women who could use), sex positive and accurate advice on relationships, sex or contraception? A group of me and of my young professional friends (with backgrounds in healthcare, counseling and psychology) just started up an advice Instagram @nojudgementgirl! We’re brand new and

Would rather have seen Trevor Noah go.

The AirBnB stuff is the ultimate SponCon. I’m guessing celebs stay for free in exchange for posting.

This Twiddles bullshit is all to take the heat off Taylor’s boob job.

Exclusively Charmin Ultra Soft!

Come on, Beatles Reference Kinja Name. It’s critical to point out micro-aggressions as well as larger sexist and racist offenses.

I’d rather see a woman nursing (including possible seeing OMGSH! her nipple!) than hear a crying baby. Why is this STILL going on?

Please make this a series — plus size icons through history. My fave is the earliest but - I'm on work wifi.