
Is it just me, or does everyone think all cups of Keurig-produced coffee taste plastic-y?

it’s not really anyone’s place to tell someone what they should/shouldn't be doing with their reproductive organs

It feels like someone tossed a cleaver into your lower abdomen from a relatively close distance and began twisting it clockwise, then counter-clockwise, along with the accompanying ever present fear that you’re leaving a trail of gore where ever you roam. 4 Advil? Don’t mind if I do!

are you serious? you’re just going to ignore jeffree star’s history of using racial slurs against black & mexican people, saying he’d throw battery acid on a black woman to lighten her skin, and more recently threatening to beat a black woman youtuber to the ground. he’s vile & racist and I’m glad he’s finally getting

Public service announcement, please stop engaging “urnotverysmart” (great troll handle btw), doing a great job being annoying on these comments but they’re in the greys

Will there be a quiz to detect the probability of finding shiplap in my walls?

Kristen, Kirsten, Kate, Kaitlyn, Katherine, Kit, Kendra, Kayla, Kaya, Kyla, Kira, Kiernan, Kiera, Kenzie, Kora, Karina, Kara, Katja, etc.

Now playing

It will probably be better than the Plath biopic starring Goop as Sylvia, no?

So go back to watching prime time cable.

NO! Agree, they should give him a prize for this:

Then you don’t need to be on Twitter.

no one should get death threats. let’s just make that clear off the bat.

Margot’s real twin is Jamie King AND Pressly:

Milania is truly the human embodiment of “zero fucks given.”

Would just like to say that I believe Gabriella is going to grow up to be so beautiful and calm.

This is my fav new feature whee!

I think the hilarity of the Taylor Swift fiasco is overshadowing the racial aspect of it. A not-insignificant part of Swift’s rise stemmed from people wanting to protect her from the black man who repeatedly victimized her. Swift doesn’t strike me as a particularly stupid person and I’m sure she’s aware of this fact.

You mean, other than abortion clinic bombings, church shootings, forcing gay kids into conversion therapy that ends in suicides, and countless women forced to carry pregnancies that sometimes end in death to the mother? And before you tell me those aren’t “honor killings,” yes they are. All of these Fundamentalist