
There are about 4 pro life billboards between my city and the next major center over. I was contemplating, on my last drive through, what it would cost me to buy my own pro choice sign.

At a quick glance, that pic looks like Trump’s head is atop the body of a serpent, which is so on-point that my personal canon is going to reflect that it’s true from now on.

Are you blaming Queen Latifah for homophobia in hip-hop? A queer person is not responsible for ending homophobia. That work falls on non-queer people. Same way white people should be working to end racism instead of standing in a corner either denying its existence or asking black people how they can help.

It’s amazing to hear any celebrity name the struggle, even more when its one of the only queer black women with tangible celebrity. Queen Latifah has been an under-appreciated force for queer women 0f color, even as many have rightfully critiqued her for remaining silent as certain times.

Our judges are blatantly conservative and liberal, except for maybe Kennedy who switches it up. Nothing is impartial.

Starred because EVERYBODY needs to see this picture.

Controversial opinion: Lin-Manuel Miranda looks way better without the long hair.

k bye

Joe Gorga is worse, with all of his neeeeds.

please continue with screenshots in the most unflattering and awkward expressions, i love it.

I like the Nine West Flax heel. I have it in three colors. It’s only $69 on Zappos. I used to buy a ton of Nine West shoes and then gave up on them and started buying nicer brands but honestly the slightly more expensive shoes didn’t last any longer. Plus, I know I’m a 7 in Nine West so ordering online is easier. I

I like the Nine West Flax heel. I have it in three colors. It’s only $69 on Zappos. I used to buy a ton of Nine West

What’s even more awesome is that CS got married over the weekend which means he pulled off this beautiful dress while also trying to do wedding stuffs!

Taylor is my best friends favorite so I can’t without calling her. That’s just like the rules of feminism.

He gives me ASMR tingles.

“The three protagonists”

It also kind of looks like it is not the right size for her? If your giant rock is constantly flopping to the side, your band is too big and you need it resized to fit your tiny goddess fingers.

Because I write for Jezebel and don’t know what sports are.