
This is what really killed me...from Lavish’s video.

Comment from my bestie on my outraged FB post this morning:

First draft:

Counterpoint: Russ is juuuust on the far side of the Uncanny Valley and is not hot. Ciara is objectively very hot. Why she settled for this personification of a raw potato’s personality is beyond me.

Interestingly, “s*x” could also be interpreted as “six”, which is coincidentally exactly how many seconds their first bang sesh will last.

Then why did your colleague include that in her article, Sis?

Oh ffs. Ssssssh. This is an excellent use of taxes.

“How dare crooked criminal Hilary Clinton adopt a policy proposal modified from that of the candidate I supported! DOES SHE THINK SHE CAN BUY OUR VOTES THROUGH ACTUALLY MAYBE ENACTING THE POLICIES WE REALLY REALLY WANT?!?!” - how you are about to sound, probably, so maybe don’t.

First, I’ll say this is a fantastic idea for series. I love finding out this shit from publicists.

Samira Wiley is just unbelievably beautiful and charismatic and talented— I really, really hope that she is able to find good, steady work befitting a performer of her caliber.

Does anyone else find it...suspicious that though there were non-white people at Taylor’s party, none of them were included in the #squad shot?

Actually, the one cool outcome of all this would be if Taylor was doing a performance art piece about heteronormativity and ended it by marrying Karlie.

Mutual bearding.

AND this motherfucker never apologized for throwing Janet under the bus during Wardrobe Malfunction-gate.

the bae-est.

Creating a burner to tell this story that I have never said out loud or even typed.


Does Jill Zarin think she’s somebody?

It’s about Jessie Williams spewing racist words against the police, who are now a race and not an occupation.