There’s a possibility that Matt and Kim’s voices could kill mosquitos.
Have you tried summering on the continent?
He also actively suppressed efforts to recognize other groups victimized by the Holocaust, and actively, enthusiastically advocated for Israeli settlements to ethnically cleanse Palestinians.
Demi! A willing and open partner is your body’s Burger King. So for the love of god, have it your way before you explode!
I am separating from the man whom many of you know as “Felipe” — the man whom I fell in love with at the end of the EAT PRAY LOVE journey.
Try to at least use real English when making your racist commentary. One woman is spelled woman. Multiple of them are women. You hear things, you don’t here them.
Someone on Gawker once responded to my comment pointing out his misogyny by saying, “Says the fat woman who men ignore.”
You know Joe never takes his glasses off. He just lets them fog up.
Please refer to Carrie Fisher’s dog with his given name, Gary Fisher. Thank you.
her tombstone should be her fridge
For the record *I* heard the sarcasm in this comment and enjoyed it.
Full Frontal and Last Week Tonight are both miles better than modern TDS.
Can we pass a law that it's OK to push someone down the escalator if they're just chillin' and not letting people walk by?
lol this. and one to tell people to fucking stand on the right and walk on the GD left of the escalator!!!!!!!!!!!! thats the real issue.
“Hey it looks like you’re going to win- what say you wait up and we finish together?” lol jesus christ are you fucking kidding me? Have some dignity, dude.