
Yeah, people’s perspectives tend to change once you use misrepresentations to justify your supporters’ use of misogyny and threats and then refuse to concede after you’ve lost.

I’m honestly beginning to think Taylor might be gay. There’s never any heat, or realness, in any of her relationships. But then again, I think everyone is gay so...

This. Not voting in 2010 and 2014 is what got us into a lot of this mess. Every single election counts.

Agreed. In the interim, enjoy this picture of my cute dog? She loves you, I promise!

hard to write when ur friend is stuck in the barney

Taylor Swift and Adele are the same age. Let that sink in.

As a naturalized citizen myself, I would like to say that when I attended the formal swearing-in naturalization ceremony (along with about 1,000 other fellow Americans) I was also given one of those tiny American flags depicted in the photo, to wave about at the end.

Me watching this video.

Doris was the best. Lauren Weedman should be in everything.

This scene is a national treasure and should be in the Smithsonian.

Honestly, the US didn’t deserve the Obamas. The crap we put them through was shameless, and they handled it with such poise and grace. Also, yay, National Parks!

My money is on Kris’s hairdresser

“There is a family on my street. . . “

I vomited after seeing that second pic.

I like Ross’ last word. this one goes to Ross!

She’s in Lady Dynamite!

She was hilarious on Girls.

I don’t really know who he is but I have been enjoying those beach pictures. Mainly because I haven’t seen such a blatantly staged act of PR/ publicity coupledom since Tom Cruise’s couch jumping days.

I laughed. But then again, I read it in Spade’s condescending voice, and that really helped with the delivery.