
“Her heart was as black as her yoga pants, and just as unforgiving.”

This is among the common Vogue interview sins that doesn’t get talked about enough - the part where the interviewer wastes my time by shoehorning in a drawn-out anecdote to show how clever they are. No one’s reading the interview for you, Van Meter!

a New York Jew with a copy of the Times tucked into her bag.

This is comparatively local to me, and it’s breaking my heart.

Does anyone really believe Tom Hiddleson is straight?

I will forever be in awe of Michelle’s class and restraint during her tenure as FLOTUS. Imagine a gang of stupid, racist, liars, all of whom have a vendetta against you and your husband and blather on about it constantly. Now imagine having to mix socially with that gang and having them in your damn house on a regular


I mean, the Hiddleston/Swift make out pics were staged, we all agree on that right? The question now is if a wealthy, successful and worldly business woman staged pictures to piss off a douchey, name-appropriating ex-boyfriend. Because that’s pretty hilarious if it’s the case.


Thanks to all the people sending me nice messages for my aunt. My family and I are at the house and just waiting. The nurse said soon. Her breathing is slowing and she’s not responding. We just will wait for when she finally goes to our ancestors.

This is how you know Blake Lively was a mean girl in high school. Because she thinks up shit like “meaty eyelids.”

JFC Courtney Stodden.

I don’t know what these words are. Is this like a Sears Roebuck catalogue? Where are my glasses?

Yeah, and their faces are both super clear in multiple other shots. Compare to the Kristin Stewart cheating pictures, and these look like shots of people who totally know a photographer is there and are making sure he gets some good angles.

Those are really professional-looking photos... Doesn't look much like a pap who was sneaking around or a quarter mile away with a giant lens.

Look, if I lose another Martha Plimpton show too soon, I’ll cut a bitch.

I just bought and read Lindy West’s new book. (It’s great, I encourage everyone to buy and read it.) She writes an entire chapter about what went down with Dan Savage and the fatphobic stuff, and explicitly says that he has evolved on this issue over the past decade. He’s also evolved on trans issues.

The only reason it’s worth watching is because of Martha Plimpton.