“Gun deaths in the U.S. are occurring on average at a rate of 31 million a year, or 27 people every day. As for similar countries:”
“Gun deaths in the U.S. are occurring on average at a rate of 31 million a year, or 27 people every day. As for similar countries:”
What if you don’t have to pick a side?
I wish we could not use so much oil. That would be even better.
Right? Every comment they’ve made is about how horrible Amber Heard is and that she’s a lying gold digger, out to ruin the good name of her saintly husband.
They should do a reboot with an all-female cast instead.
I’m not sure she should tell the daughter. I’m more inclined she should talk to her sister about it.
He is on a show where most of the time he is clothed and women on the show are naked. There are tons of female actresses on the show that don’t have lines and are naked for a whole scene.
Here’s an idea. Don’t confuse objectification and sexism.
Jesus you use a lot of commas.
They’re pretty much palazzo pants, which is making a come back! What’s bothering me is the hemline, it gets so gross and muddy and frayed.
I’m so sorry that it happened to you. You rant as much as you want. You have just cause.
Yes it is rape. He got her drunk. Even if he didn’t get her drunk, it’s rape by fraud. He doesn’t own a porn company he was never going to put her in video. Fuck you for siding with a rapist.
Sweet lord almighty. That is the most terrifying thing a pregnant lady could ever see.
“With the love and support of our family we know we can get through anything,”
Because she’s the one covered in bruises?
Madonna remains thirstier than a marathoner in 100-degree weather.