Bobby, that Khloe emoji message is the best thing evah.
Whoopi’s living the dream. Gets to be paid millions to go work for a couple hours a day and shout random nonsense and then go home and smoke weed.
She is the only person I have ever liked better because of Twitter. She’s so goddamn good at Twitter.
Just Lemonade on repeat.
She really should just stop.
I feel so strongly for these men. In her letter she writes that one of them was so overcome with tears that he could hardly speak after he found her. It’s clear that they experienced a lot of heartache during this process themselves.
They are absolutely heros but how sad is it that we live in a world where two men who stop another man from raping an unconscious woman is considered heroic, rather than just normal, expected every day behaviour?
Thank you. Two things can be true— we can acknowledge that this is more than most rapists get, while maintaining that it is insufficient. Additionally, I would argue that he WAS coddled, and the judge WAS lenient, because he’s a rich white kid, drenched in privilege. Let’s be real, black and brown rapists would never…
Wow, I thought Blue looked entirely like Jay-Z before, but I can really see the resemblance to Bey in that pic.
What the hell is wrong with every person in convicted rapist, Brock Turner’s life?
I fucking hate this guy. BTW sign this petition!
wow. that was so unnecessarily rude and aggressive.
Oh shut the hell up.
Would have looked worse if she’d written it in her fiction folder.
I think Demi just got too old for him.
Yoko is like a comfort blanket at this point. If she’s not in tweet beat my whole day gets thrown off.