
Funny how when a white guy tries to escape police custody he’s subdued with pepper spray and a taser instead of being shot and killed.

But does her face look kind of different than it used to?

What an amazing woman! I’m pretty sure most of my colleagues\casual acquaintances would be shocked if they knew that I’ve smoked pot for over 20 years. While it’s nothing I’m ashamed of, there is still a stigma attached, especially when you’re in certain lines of work.

*reads lawyer’s description of assault*

My fucking idiot x-husband loves those shoes.

HBO’s “Silicon Valley” is one of the best documentaries they’ve done in a long time.

I think Big Head’s run is over after this last episode, though.

Lately I’ve been preferring the Veep part of my Sunday to the Silicon Valley part. SV is funny but sad/heartbreaking (except for Big Head who can’t stop failing upwards) and Veep is funny and mean. I can handle the mean more than the sad.

A) I love Veep beyond the telling of it. I went back and rewatched all the earlier seasons to get ready for this season, and I couldn’t believe how many brilliant little asides I’d missed the first time around. How can you not love a show that gives you lines like, “Joke’s on you, Dan... I fucking love burritoes”?

No evidence?!

I saw Depp on a recent episode of The Graham Norton Show. He was as close to incoherent as one can be and still be on camera. He really needs help.

I suspect he made a pass and got rebuffed. His apology comes after realizing that not only will Keira Knightly never work with him again, neither will anyone else. Better to eat crow and keep your job.

That doesn’t explain him shitting on her (once only by implication) in three separate interviews, unprompted. It doesn’t explain why she is the one he lashed out at. It doesn’t explain why the comments were so gendered. It doesn’t explain the mystery that is Adam Levine. So, nah.

I love the opposite of wokeness being “some sleepyhead shit.” Can I use that?

It’s a new comedy by Maria Bamford. It’s super absurd. If you know her comedy and like it, you’ll probably like the show.

Right now when I get TV time I’m going between Lady Dynamite and re watching Jessica Jones, while I wait for OITNB to start again. I mean, life is just so amazing!!!

Since I watched Unreal I just feel like I can’t trust ANY of this... not that I really thought I could before, but this shit with Chad is just so lame. I do not think JoJo actually likes him, and how clear was it that she was directed to wait until the end to give him the rose?

I have never watched this show but UnReal has taught me that the troublemaker has to stick around for a while.

In photoshoots when I’m asked to strip, I’ve felt the sexism.