If I hated my ancient mother in law as much as I imagine Amber does, there’s no way in hell I’d give her the satisfaction of witnessing the divorce. Amber Heard might be infinitely less spiteful than I am though.
Bobby, I LIVE for your made up convos. Please make them their own feature.
So, I’m not one to rag on someone’s kink or anything but that photo will haunt my nightmares forever.
I was thinking Stephen Avery and Grumpy Cat plus a lot of pregnant drinking.
I hope VH1 has the foresight to tell her the show starts 5 hours earlier than it really does.
Ugh, so you don’t eat lactose free bread? You might as well poison yourself with cyanide right now.
I know, I KNOW we have massive race problems in America. But I feel like because of that, Canada gets seen as this non-racist utopia, especially by my white Canadian friends. And it allows them to sweep this shit under the rug, because hey, at least they aren’t America. But this makes me so mad, and feel so helpless,…
I love myself some Waxahatchee too. I was listening to American Weekend and I like it, I personally like the really depressing songs on that one (hahaha). Ivy Tripp is perfection. And anyone who calls her Lena Dunham with a guitar can go eff off.
“...as natural and authentic as the pair of tits I plan on buying at 40...”
At a certain point you just have to be like [jack‐o motion] and do you.
You are greatly missed around these parts, Lindy!
Touche on Kristen Stewart.
I once had a conversation with a guy who was incredibly angry and offended that I liked the show, Girls. He went on and on about how awful it was, how puerile, how infantile, how idiotic these girls were, how selfish, and what bad acting the show produced. He couldn’t figure out why anyone would ever watch that show.…