
fuck offffff ya goddamn troll.go get yo kicks on gawker.

You think that slice is so tiny to make his hands look bigger?

I’d text #ImWithHer and nothing else.

“straight outta cold beer” <—kill me pls

I’m with you as far as the surgery goes—if you want it, get it. What bothers me about Kylie and her sisters is that they have carefully cultivated a very specific look in their photos that they use to sell their brand: no expression, dead eyes, with no attempt to convey any message or thought at all. I cringed a

Pretty sure that’s not what Whiskeyprayer said.

It’s not her support of Bernie Sanders that makes me question her feminism, but the fact that she chooses to define Clinton by her relationship to her father and her husband, rather than any actual merits or her own accomplishments.

black people have historically been mocked for having large lips. were you not aware?

Are you actually pretending that you don’t know full lips are (negatively, usually) associated with Black people?

“Everybody wants to be a nigga but don’t nobody wanna be a nigga.”

The main reason I clicked on this was to see if you mentioned Sarah Jessica Parker’s entertaining and funny “73 Questions,” and yay, yes!

I think they’re more for thunder. They have awesome names like “Storm Defender” and “Thunder Vest”.

This is amazing:

Kim Kardishahn.

The part of the story that matters is that a child is dead by violence and her siblings witnessed it. Victims matter more than perpetrators, especially when they were powerless to change the outcome. Her name is Tahirah; his name should be forgotten.

May he always have low battery. May his socks slip down his feet. May he always need to sneeze but never quite manage it. May he shart whenever he farts. May he step on lego.

No. And I am going to answer this with a quote from the article.

In a related note, I’ve signed on to play Mrs Fields in the upcoming biopic “C is for Cookie”

I feel Sophia best expresses my feelings.

As a black queen, I find most people think they get shade but they don’t. Also, I want to constant “offend” people by telling them that being factual isn’t the same as being shady.