
I am a woman and stand firmly against you on this one: top sheets are the devil. They are unnecessary and a waste of money and as a restless sleeper I get trapped in them. They also require extra bed making effort — it takes 60 seconds to put on a new duvet cover after laundering but making your bed with a top sheet

I am not a man and I will not use a top sheet.

You act as if these problems just suddenly materialized in those communities. Did the booze bottles walk up to the reserves on their tiny legs or with the storekeepers we allowed on to the reserves without controlling their stock which meant some essentially brought booze, a few staples and next to nothing you’d

Counterpoint: She is a professional entertainer, and this entertained me.

I included the Top R&B Artist category (when she tells Ludacris she’s going to let him take it) in the clip, because it sort of reads to me like she got confused and thought Top Rap Artist would be next?

Pull up in the monster
automobile gangster
with a bad bitch that came from Sri Lanka
yeah I’m in that Tonka, colour of Willy Wonka
you could be the King but watch the Queen conquer

I have enjoyed every single thing I’ve seen on Viceland. I love the topics, the approach to telling a story, I’m fascinated by everything I see on there, even shit I have no interest in.

The worst thing is I can see the titles, but they just won't play. So I am fully aware of what I'm missing. WHY.

Hola proxy stopped working and I am mourning the loss of so many shows I took for granted and always thought would just...BE THERE.

Canadian netflix is BULLSHIT

Even worse - they are blocking my American content.


I don’t accept your lifestyle as a bigot.

Plus, I don’t like being yelled at while furiously moving my legs, which has been a real problem in the boudoir.

You can’t get oral treatment over the counter?! That seems absolutely crazy to me. Here in Canada you can pluck it off the drugstore shelf yourself—no pharmacist conversation required. $16 per treatment.

My big dog that we had for thirteen of his fourteen years died one day after stealing an entire rotisserie chicken off the counter and escaping from our yard. I was hella pissed at the time, but it makes me smile now. He did the dream exit - doing what he loved, going out on top. Still crying now though. I loved that

The person you quoted outed themselves as a troll downstream. Again, stop acting like all feminists are some monolithic group who do the things you find offensive.

Yep. She can even rock a dog coat!

It just really disappoints me when people see feminists as straw women to smear however they like.