Well maybe if parental leave exists, when your parents, or loved ones (assuming you have any) get extremely sick and require YOU to take time away from your job, then you can enjoy the same benefit too.
pls add this to tweet beat it’s my fave of yesterday thank u bobby
She is an extremely talented rapper when she isn’t getting into twitter beefs.
Is it really though? Yes a woman’s breasts are up top and not on bottom, but they’re still parts she could be arrested for showing in public. Dick and sack are the only similarly taboo points on the male body.
Guys imagine if HRC had said something about fucking subway tokens.
I don’t love the photo choice - it draws odd attention to her, with that pink shirt, but she is so unhappy looking compared to the other girls. I don’t know how much I agree that it was racist, but I do think it’s mediocre ad design, and they could have done better.
I saw that one too. Though when I saw it I don’t think I realized they were only 14 and 16.
I am rooting so hard for them. Also just think about how hot Blac Chyna and amber rose are gonna look at this wedding.
A rare showing of what “corporate responsibility” really means. Good on PayPal.
Yes, if only there had been a woman reporter over a hundred years ago. Perhaps someone who famously went undercover in a mental hospital or travelled around the world. Or did something notable like that.
Ugh, you just know that Mr. Peanut photoshopped that thigh gap.
It’s hilarious to me that walking with a cane is less of a fashion faux pas than not wearing heels.
There were 2 reasons I chose our pediatrician, and it was based on negative Yelp reviews.
I think I’m doing ok! But thanks!
My entire body just flinched.
Yeah I think Barry forgets that Mark Shrayber used to work here! God I miss Mark.