
Anyone surprised that Nick Young isn’t getting a similar response to the one Kehlani got?

J. Lo is perfect.

“You mean tonight, boo boo? Club-wise?”

If Hamilton wasn’t wildly successful, no one would care. Now that it’s the hottest Broadway show on the planet white people are all “Wait praise, prestige and high paychecks? That’s my job!”

Ms. Gella, you'll be thrilled to hear that I have stopped clicking on anything with a Kardashian headline, in hopes to get rid of these people. If we all stop clicking, maybe they will go away.

Idk, there’s a pretty popular play on Broadway about it. Can’t remember the name...

One time my boyfriend noticed that I had a hair stuck to my face. When he went to pull it off my entire cheek drew toward him like he had hooked a fish. When it finally released from its pore it had to have been four inches long. I look at myself every day, how did I not once see that growing!

YES. My crush of nearly 4 decades has died today. I loved you, Susan, but this is some bullshit.

“You have no control who lives, who dies, who tells your story.”

The fact that Kimora didn’t dress her son up as a sheep is such a missed opportunity.

This should be dismissed for the simple fact that anyone should be honored if Paul Giamatti portrays them on screen. Even God should be honored that Paul Giammatti played him on Inside Amy Schumer.

Additionally, who the fuck wants to get a notification on their phone every time one of these D-list celebs posts on Instagram? I admit, I follow some D-list people, but I wouldn’t even want notification for family and friends, let alone some person I don’t even know but am mildly interested in.

I don’t even have an Instagram and I think the “popular posts first!” change is bullshit. It’s for them to get more ads on your feed. Absolutely fucking no one wants anything but reverse chronological. It’s the only way social media makes sense.

That was masterful, Bobby. I was like “who could it be?!” wondering what level of horror I would reach ... and then the Lovitz shot. Just NO. I actually said, out loud, in my office all alone “NO”.

The senate hearings were amazing, but seem to have been forgotten. Why wouldn’t anyone want a leader that strong and graceful under pressure?

First of all, white people, come get ya girl. Rap didn’t ask for this bullshit.

RLS: I was waiting for someone to make that joke ever since I heard about the accident.

His hair is threatening to be more interesting than he is.