Does anyone else think that nun actually looks like Mitch McConnell in disguise?
Maybe these religious organizations should start paying some taxes before they think they can decide what is and isn’t covered by health care.
Tyga and his landlord are not in a great place right now.
Michelle Kwan was robbed!
I thought it was for what we thought was more enjoyable?
Wait... ARE WE VOTING FOR WHAT IS THE WORST? Oh god... I think I might be going about this the wrong way. DO OVER GUYS. DO OVVVVVVVER.
One thing I will say for least she’s not pretending like she eats cheeseburgers and fries all the time when she doesn’t. I enjoy the honesty, even if it is depressing as hell.
What'd I'd like to know is how the mothers of your children were keeping it together all this time.
It really was. It really makes you feel for Tonya. She was considered poor white trash in the waspiest of sports. She never had a chance of becoming the darling of figure skating, no matter how many medals she won.
OMG Amy Adams would have been PERFECT.
I mean Amy Adams!
Well, Mr. Moore probably didn’t learn a lesson, true. He will probably remain confused and feel martyred for the rest of his days.
Right. I forgot that women are supposed to be impossibly thin but still act like we can pound cheeseburgers and beers in public, Wolfgang. She should order the pasta and then just work out 16 hours when she gets home so she can appear less uptight to you.
“Marilyn Manson is the geeky kid from the Wonder Years!”
I sort of get it. I hate harsh lighting—not just because of how it makes people look (bad, always bad), but because it is too much sensory stimulation. Sunshine is one thing—you’re outside, your eyes are expecting it—but inside at night, I’m always turning off bright overhead lights and switching on side lamps. Who…
I love me some John Slattery. As if I needed more reasons to watch this show.
Aren’t they the same person?