
I can already see the ads for the game now.

I watched the ending when it got leaked a little while ago and it was so hilariously cheesy and bad I didnt know what to think.

Bloodborne or AC4. forget Unity

but why would you carry the cold box containing other frozen hot pockets around? Wouldnt it make more sense to leave it in the freezer or atleast somewhere near the microwave?

Player becomes The Old One
Doll becomes Maiden in Black

blah blah cycles

such is the power of the master race.

I’m waiting for steam to finally fucking remember my computer and not send me a verification password every god damn time.

Make amiibo like figures for all those anime games like Neptunia, Atelier, Tales, and so on. The money will come pouring in.

All you need is a copy of the game Cubic Ninja.

Yeah they screwed up all the way to the bank

I was still a little groggy when I saw the picture but at first I thought her costume had a cleavage cutout before I realized it was the bat symbol.

If only we could get some dancing anime girls into Baltimore right now.

That would require them to actually do work. Something they haven’t done in ages. The whole point of Steam is to generate money by doing nothing.

But a donate tab doesnt generate any money for Valve.

I was hoping for stupid paid mod ideas :t

Now playing

Finally a game that puts the power of the PS4 to good use.

What the hell is the point of fanservice DLC if you cut out the fanservice?

Agarest’s terrible gameplay should have killed it for you long before the fanservice did.

Original copies of GTA: San Andreas are technically rated AO due to the hot coffee shenanigans