
Just to further cement your point, Half-Jaw is my favorite Halo character and I had no idea who his voice actor was.

Agreed. I liked having a spinoff that’s more focused on battle strategies and having to navigate around limitations. There are some genuinely tough fights in those games. I think Pokémon Colosseum was a bit rough, but Pokémon XD was a actually quite decent game.

I’ve been playing since launch and have run into none of those issues.

Why does it feel like people are rooting against Hydroxychlorquine working just so orange man looks bad?

Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.

Are you one of those people who believes that what Sony is doing isnt censorship? The PS4 version is massively censored and no sane person would pay full price for a game that had its main selling point ripped out of it.

Reminder to everyone that Sony fucked over PQube hard when they cancelled the release of Omega Labyrinth Z after PQube was literally done with the game and ready to ship it.

Seriously. All of the women in the upcoming Mortal Kombat 11 look like they were designed by the Gender studies fashion squad, with assistance from the Iranian Islamic social police video game division. Meanwhile the men are just as unrealistic, shirtless and muscle-y as ever.

Yeah this makes me laugh my ass off, they are so terrified of a anime girl in a bikini or something skimpy. Yet.. That above is allowed and A-ok. I don’t get the logic they are using at all when they make these decisions.

It’s important to respect women while you rip their faces off and then eat their brains, apparently.

Unfortunately, it’s largely this policy (as well as the continuing largely hypocritical double standard with violence) that’s making me at best on the fence with the PS5 as I don’t see Sony getting off its moral high horse any time soon. It’s so ironic in ways because it always used to be that Nintendo was considered

I’ll never understand that unfiltered gore and violence is okay but the human body is icky and we need to keep it away from our children.
When there is more skin shown at any beach vacation spot where plenty of kids go to with their parents.

This is like the organisers of EVO. Girls in bikinis promoting DOA6 gets cut, then premieres MK11 trailers proudly.

Holy fuck that was insane. I didnt see this one yet but fucking hell.

Sony feels the need to protect the children from the horrifying sight of an anime girl in a bikini but shit like this is perfectly fine for Sony’s family friendly platform

“Censorship isnt a slippery slope”
“They’re only censoring perverted anime games”
“It’s not censorship unless its by the government”
Anyone wanna add some more excuses to the censorship apologist pile?

This is so pointless and it looks so bad. Who on earth thought this was a good idea?

It’s almost certainly Sony’s weird new policy, one which doesn’t make any sense because they were doing just fine before without it. Now they moved their HQ to California and suddenly they’ve gone puritanical. The weird part is that it really only seems to be affecting Japanese titles. I can’t really name any western

I have no idea, but like “Family Feud”, I would think that would be the number 1 answer.