
Spreading the misinformation in order to stop the spread of misinformation is a bold strategy but who am I to judge

So some minor voice actor that absolutely no one but the hardest of die hard fans would know the name of from Halo is making a propaganda film against Biden that absolutely no one except the hardest right-wingers would know about and you who clearly would rather no one it watch it decided to just write an article

It’s less clear how the design made it through the development process without anyone pointing a finger and going, “lol.””

ResetEra, the popular gaming forum,” - no one ever 

I fucking hate Attrition and would never touch it again unless the game forced me to but its absolutely idiotic to delete that game mode when your entire playerbase is screaming at you about lack of content

Now playing

Oh yes the animations in Colo/XD were super expressive. Attacking, idle, getting hit, fainting they were all incredible. The animations in X/Y were so stiff and lifeless and unfortunately they’ve been reusing those ever since its incredibly frustrating with Sw/Sh considering the Switch is way more powerful than the

Colosseum/XD still have the best battle presentation for 3D pokemon games and are what Sword/Shield should have looked like. In addition to that stuff like the limited pokemon selection, every battle being a double battle, and not just traveling to single type easily defeatable gyms made for a way more interesting

People say that Halo was never about progression and that is partially true but the old games particular 3 and Reach still had progression systems that were nice dopamine kicks

Nearly every single Attrition match I’ve played has been a complete stomp one way or the other and I’ve got no intention to touch it ever again once I get the godawful challenges done. It may work as a ranked playlist for the turbo sweats but as a casual game type it sucks pretty hard. Especially if you get partnered

The game ran perfectly fine for me at launch but ever since the most recent update that added the new playlists I’ve had issues out the ass

Playing one game a day doesnt sound so bad except for the fact that on PC atleast Infinite’s multiplayer has been borderline unplayable with matchmaking being a mess thats fails half the time, CTDs if you manage to actually find a game, or if by some miracle you actually get in pray you dont get afflicted by one the

Theyre supposed to be annoying so that players will be tempted to buy skips/swaps/xp or whatever the hell theyre selling in the store

Call it rushed development or laziness or whatever but it seems to me pretty unexcusable that they couldnt have one guy spend an hour putting together the absolute most basic playlists that literally every other Halo game launched with. 

Logged back in for the first time in ages.

Why does it feel like people are rooting against Hydroxychlorquine working just so orange man looks bad?

I’ve been loyal to Playstation since the PS2 but I have absolutely zero interest in PS5. Sony’s management change in the past few years that has gone all in on “Cinematic” games and nothing else has killed any hype I have. Shit like raising the price of PS+ without adding any new features to justify it, Censoring


Sony’s show last year was the worst E3 show I had the displeasure of watching. All of Sony’s first party games save for Spiderman which wasnt being made by their own studio were samey looking third person over the shoulder action games that we had already known about from previous years. The audacity to have a fucking

I was shitting on Ubisoft when they wanted to censor Rainbow Six last year and I hate censoring of Nazi imagery and things of that nature 

Are you one of those people who believes that what Sony is doing isnt censorship? The PS4 version is massively censored and no sane person would pay full price for a game that had its main selling point ripped out of it.