The most important part of this update is suits and ties for female characters. Also Impotent Rage and Princess Robot Bubblegum masks.
Rock Band had one of the few character creators that I really liked. I hope they keep it and the games old art style in 4.
Pandemic (The Saboteur) - Purchased by EA in 2008; shut down in 2009.
Morrigan is a succubus. She is SUPPOSED to be sexy.
So in what year will the Steam OS version of GTA V come out?
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number — PC, PS3, PS4, Vita, Xbox 360, Xbox One
Pretty much what I'm getting at. Is there an actual problem at tournaments with all that sexy stuff to warrant a ban?
Sex Appeal in the DOA franchise will never go away but we, the community, want people to take it seriously and started the costume ban at offline tournaments to force people to focus more on the gameplay aspect of the game.
Someone call Ice-T
The correct way to play Demon's Souls is to equip a large weapon and get naked. Fast roll for life.
KT America also sent out a bunch of tweets about a save deleting bug on the 360 version. Everything is bonkers
I'm sure it will get patched and then we can bitch about some new exploit the week after.
Map making become very lucrative by the time original Windwaker was released.
Because publishers are shipping out unfinished games.
Had to rush the game out the door in time for Christmas. No wonder the multiplayer didnt work.
Contents: "some features and multiplayer content"
I'm not really enjoying it as much the 2nd time. Maybe its because I already know everything that happens but it just doesn't have the magic it used to.