
They should get the Gawker Hitler bot to tweet Mein Kampf at Nintendo.

Dead or Alive 5: Last Round — PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One

To be fair they did inflate their numbers by bundling it with the cheap Xbox Ones over the holidays.

Sony's PSTV compatibility list is terrible and not up to date.

Sony's PSTV compatibility list is terrible and not up to date.

Unless you want to play your games on a TV, no.

Unless you want to play your games on a TV, no.

Oh boy boxart censorship without the boxart.

Too late. Someone already made Loss in Besiege. I can't possibly ever take it seriously again.

They said they did it for the rating.

Some of them and some of you no doubt feel such a game has no business coming to North America and Europe. I agree, but not for the same reason. If NIS America wants to make a little money off the awkward pervert crowd, more power to them. Just don't insult them by taking a core game mechanic and "hiding" it behind a

QUOTE | "We anticipate that Katy's significant global audience, including more than 170 million fans on social media, will make her a strong gaming partner for Glu." - Niccolo De Masi, CEO of Glu Mobile, talking about their 5-year deal with pop star Katy Perry to make mobile games.

I've been dreaming of them using the Catherine engine again and I'm not disappointed.

I just treat Destiny's plot as a FPS Kingdom Hearts

are survival games the zombie movies of video games?

Its every Bamco fighting game EXCEPT Tekken.

Let Mike have it so he can review hyper anime games in the middle of the week instead of late at night on saturday when no one is looking.

This whole thing could be averted if they would have just released the normal size New 3DS. Get your own faceplates and have a 3DS that is all your own.