Because everyone old enough to know what the NES is will want to buy a 3DS when the "new" 3DS is right around the corner
Because everyone old enough to know what the NES is will want to buy a 3DS when the "new" 3DS is right around the corner
Wii U owners should be happy. They can enter the game with proper expectations rather than inflated hype from all the MOST AWARDS FROM E3 and 10/10 HYPEST GAME EVER buzzwards that surrounded the game before its original launch.
Assuming it happens what happens to Minecraft on PS3/4/Vita and on phones? Do they stop supporting it? Does it go away entirely?
You should be on their payroll by now.
Mike you should know that you are never alone on the internet. You could the most twisted screwed view on something and there will always be atleast one other person on the internet who agrees with you.
But the story isn't the only important thing in a visual novel—there is also the voice work which makes the story come alive. While I had only played with the Japanese voice track in Arena, this time I opted to try the English track. For the most part, it ranged from decent to stellar, especially with Johnny Yong…
I'm more interested in the fact that Spartan Lasers are real rather than what they're controlled with.
A Disney Prince article without dickpics? What kind of shity article is this? Gawker expects better from you Mike.
Features missing from EA games seems to be a common theme as of late.
Don't worry Compile Heart is still here to save Japan's game industry. Here they are destroying Final Fantasy and Idolm@ster in one fell swoop
What no Paper Mario parade?
Thanks for letting me know Polygon.
I'm more interested in the China Dress honestly.
As much as I'd hate to admit it if anything is gonna be a "System seller" for the Vita it would be Minecraft. Sony should do a bundle.
Maybe they'll give us Phantasy Star Nova...
But PS3 isnt dead yet! Don't you wanna play all those games NISA and friends are still localizing? I do...
I was listening to IGN's Playstation Podcast a few weeks ago when one of the guys mentioned that although the Vita has lots of great games there's some sort of stigma about the Vita that keeps them from getting the attention they deserve. He theorized that if you were to take some of the Vita's better games and put…
"These obtuse shitslingers, these wailing hyper-consumers, these childish internet-arguers — they are not my audience. They don't have to be yours. There is no 'side' to be on, there is no 'debate' to be had."