Not particularly hyped just yet. Show me this stuff at TGS first and then get back to me.
Not particularly hyped just yet. Show me this stuff at TGS first and then get back to me.
I wish I knew how to gimp...
Still havent got around to playing the first Dang It Ron Paul. Been too busy with Akiba's Trip and Neps. I'll get to it eventually though
He only does it because he loves you. Please understand.
I was this close to buying DOA5U glad I held off. Hopefully this version will have all the current DLC on disc. At the very least it appears that DLC characters will be on disc.
Tabata says they have no plans to release an English PSP version digitally, either. "That is not being considered," he said when I asked. "First and foremost, we want to get the packaged version to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One."
So basically if you don't own a 3DS yet don't bother buying one until they release this.
Gawker websites will probably be the first to be filtered. I finally noticed that the link to "Disney Penises" on Jezebel stopped showing up in the corner.
Idea Factory also announced Neptunia Re;Birth 2 coming early next year.
"a site that feels bullshit-free"
Normally you aren't supposed to be able to move again after doing a special attack in the air unless you get hit by something else first. It's probably tool assisted Project M but it's still pretty fake.
I've only got two options here. Charter and At&t. Charter sucks less.
Probably not related but apparently Charter Communications had a nationwide Internet outage yesterday. I know cause I was part of it.
Maybe these magical money faries can buy some Vitas too...
Neir did it. granted it wasnt after you died but more or less after you 100%d the game
I'm getting my metroid lore mixed. Been a while since I've played either game tbh
but she wore that before she had the Zero suit...