
TP designs are still my favorites.

I've never bought any of this stuff but I assume the only way to get these figures is to buy the starter set right? They don't sell these ones separately do they?

Now go on Amazon and buy the CE. Then import European and Japanese versions for good measure.


My mistake. I subconsciously added 2 to the end of it.

Hotline Miami | PS4

Just put my check in the mail.

Kotaku caption contest!

I just noticed that it supports up to 4 players locally and 16 online. Sounds like a fun marriage.

Not exactly what I want in a marriage.

10 hours? That isnt even long enough to get to the major plot twist that every tales games has.


Tales of Xillia 2 comes out on Tuesday, and if you're like me and never quite got around to beating the first game, here's a solid refresher video to catch you up on the story.

The 32GB Vita Memory Card, which even with a deal is still overpriced, is down within a few dollars of its low at $67 today. [32GB Vita Memory Card]

I had Live years ago and finally decided to cancel it when I got bored with the games. It wouldnt even let me cancel it online and kept giving me random errors. I had to actually call the help line and listen to the operator repeatedly try to convince me not to unsubscribe.

Just send it to me. I'll play and review it for you :d

I'm playing Akiba's Trip 2 right now. Then I got Nep in 2 weeks.

Repostan from TAY

Secret Police