I have a really hard time picking which song is my favorite from PDF.
I have a really hard time picking which song is my favorite from PDF.
Saw this at my local Sam's Club. No idea if it's just at this one or at all of them but it might be worth checking out.
Oh look what everyone feared was gonna happen happened. Lets go find another streaming site and let google buy that in a year or two.
Is there any point to a multiplayer reveal for this series anymore? Besides changing the menus around or adding new guns what could it have that really sets it apart from the previous games?
Well if we're quoting movies...
Shop Contest: Mike at Bronycon.
*It cant be nepped
Idea Factory International is currently working on the Vita remake of Neptunia 1 which comes out next month. I'm guessing that they will announce it after they release Re;birth 1
Hyper Goddess Faith Noire: Ultra Goddess Black Heart was released for the PlayStation Vita on May 29, 2014, in Japan. There is currently no word on an international release.
Birth defects on my left foot and ankle. Had surgery when I was 3. They had a SNES in the hospital and I got hooked.
Something isnt right...
Something isnt right...
Meh ESPN2 broadcasts Blackjack and other card games all the time. Let em broadcast video games if they want to. I can't wait for championship paint drying.
Maybe if you guys and IGN and Gamespot and so on retroactively make Yakuza 4 GOTY 2011 Sega will consider localizing 5.