It would have been even better if 4chan had shown up
It would have been even better if 4chan had shown up
Can someone explain to me the appeal of books? All you do is read text and get little to no images at all.
I'm just posting for the lelz. Personally I don't care if theres a female character or not in AC5. I just wish developers would be more honest and just say that they didnt have a female character in mind for the game instead of coming up with the double the workload nonsense.
Is it August/September yet?
I cant imagine it was too hard to squeeze 4 DVDs onto a blu-ray.
Big red nose that all tumblr fanart seems to have. Tumblr artists like to draw characters with colds apparently.
Tumblr Nose strikes again!
At a comic con they could meet various show producers and actors and game makers and such.
What would people even do at a Minecraft convention?
You are aware that you still end up paying the full price right?
I didnt know destiny was gay.
Yes the fighting game spinoff.
Is that so? Does being triple A automatically make it better than everything else?
And? Are you gonna tell me all those yearly sports games are gonna be massive improvements over last years models?