
Oh snap

Great now I just need a PSP or for someone to crack the Vita

Hora Hora

Senran Kagura Burst for 3DS.

2D beat-em up starring well endowed ninja girls. Even with all the fanservice it actually is a pretty fun game.

Well Burst apparently did pretty well. It spent 3 weeks on the Eshop's top downloads list. I imagine the odds are pretty good of Shinovi Versus.

I can't believe you guys forgot to add one of the best games of the year to the poll.

Either it was a joke or whoever put it on the list doesn't actually know what its about. I can't imagine they would put an Eroge on there otherwise.

It came out in January

No Dragon's Crown or Tales of Xillia? Maybe I should have participated in nominations.

Well Borderlands 2 got put up on PS+. I think Sonic and Sega racing is also on their right now. I don't think you can check PS3 stuff from vita but they do have an internet browser store.

of course

took it again and got it to work

I broke it.

Probably the lowest profile game on our list, not to mention that it only appeared on Sony platforms. Controversy breeds success? Sex sells? People really want new beat 'em ups? You tell us in the comments.

Damn it broke the XXXmas ringtone combo.

Cool. can I borrow some streaming equipment so I can make epic youtube videos?

I want to get a Wii U eventually... but like with the Vita the price is holding me back. Even with "two" games that $299 price tag is just too much.

I assumed it was for the monthly layout changes they do the site.

Tales of Symphonia Chronicles
Dark Souls 2
Atelier Escha&Logy
Bravely Default (in America)
BlazBlue Chronophantasma
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2
and Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes

Thats just the 1st quarter of 2014. my wallet can't take it.

I for one welcome our Japanese overlords and wish them well in their endeavors to take back the American game market.