Team up with Powdered Toast Man when? Then again that might not end up so well
Team up with Powdered Toast Man when? Then again that might not end up so well
have you played them?
Whatever. You can have your DmC. I'll be over here playing DMC 3 and 4.
$10 to everyone who includes Tsukiko in their shops.
What no Octodad trailer?
Just leave my video game OST videos up please Youtube.
Miley Cyrus
Kathleen Sebelius
Huh. I didnt know St. Charles had the 985 area code. I thought that was only north of the lake.
Aww no Xillia or Dragon's Crown? Bioshock and GTA5 got a bit too much attention I think.
$30 on Senran Kagura. I think thats it
I figured it would probably void your warranty if you did.
haha! No games means time to catch up on my backlog... or do other stuff and continue to ignore it... probably just ignore it some more.