
How does it feel to be a better Kotaku writer than Kotaku's writers?

10/10 would compare again

Not late enough. He needs to go on at 3am.

The sameway Microsoft is doing it with Titanfall

I'm hoping it eventually turns to /e/

Alright Cerny you know what you have to do. Bring back the JRPG glory days from the PS2 era.

Go play any of the other cods that have come out since say Modern Warfare 2 in 2009. Ghosts will probably be about the same as that.

They must be trying to clear stock. I can't see why the hell they would put up their old console against their own struggling one right now.

At first glance I thought it was an original model Xbox 360 with the markings taken off


Excellent read BAsh.

If I knew how to photoshop I'd do the obligatory Space Oddessy Monolith.

They wouldnt activision to stop buying ad space would they?

Whose ready for all the ps3 and Vita jrpgs coming west next year?

Who knows really. MS made a big deal out of "Minecraft: Xbox One Edition." back at E3 and look how that turned out.

Will this be a big "exclusive" for Xbox or are the playstation versions gonna end up getting it too?

I played the gamecube version of Symphonia earlier this year on my wii and my tv did not handle it well at all. Pretty much everywhere except the small area in the center of the screen was blurry. I trinkered with the settings on my tv and wii for hours but was never able to fix it. Symphonia HD will hopefully look

Slenderman is actually a Tales of Symphonia monster duh!

In Vesperia Gentlemen didnt wear suits though just a bowtie. At night scarier ones based on Abyss characters came out