Here is the real origin of Slender(Gentle)man nerds.
Here is the real origin of Slender(Gentle)man nerds.
PS3 can only watch as you begin plugging in the shiny new toy. PS3 isnt worried though. You'll come back and finish that backlog of games. PS3 still has a bunch of games coming out in 2014. Still PS3 has the nagging feeling that it's being replaced. PS3 begins contemplating what to do. The next day when you return…
I've always wanted to watch previews of other video games while im in the middle of playing a video game.
Its definitely much better than the Xbox One. You may as well just call it the XBrick if you don't have Gold.
Flower Killzone: Shadow Fall,
Well atleast the americans could always impor- oh wait...
seriously whats up with "The Playstation Claw"? I have never held any controllers PS3 or Xbox with both my index and middle fingers on the should buttons. How did people start doing this?
well as long as being undetected isn't one of the mission stipulations it shouldn't be a problem. Unless they radically changed the enemy combat AI NPCs are easy to kill.
well I was gonna post Green Man but I see everyone else beat me to it.
The thumbstick placement is not ideal for playing many of today's biggest and most important genres (like shooters)
I wonder how much they payed extra to make the launch exclusivity permanent. MS must have been really worried that people would have just waited it out for a PS4 version.
Nope don't like the blue cases. I know they need to differentiate from the PS3 cases but you can't beat the normal clear case.
Can Titanfall be the killer app for the XOne? I'm not sure. I'm willing to bet that the XOne version of Cod Ghosts will outsell Titanfall's XOne version.
I personally didnt care for any of the desmond segments in the previous AC games. They always seemed like buzzkills cause they always happened right when the game was getting really good.
I'm glad we have the ESRB. their rating stamps arent as obnoxious on the boxart as the PEGI ratings are.
Would you have liked the single-player more if it had a dog?