
I'm receiving breaking news that the kid just got hired by the NSA.

it looks like the basic Zombie mode from the treyarch games but I was hoping it would be more like the co-op mode in Mass Effect 3 with actual AI enemies shooting at you and such. Basic horde survival is kind of getting old.

I can attest to this somewhat. Its not just pain though I'm pretty much desensitized to everything. Stuff doesn't bother me like it did years ago and I rarely get offended, when I do I usually just grumble to myself about it and move on. I blame that mostly on the internet in addition to video games.

The coolest feature of the Nvidia Shield Android gaming handheld was the ability to stream PC gameplay directly to the handheld from any gaming rig equipped with a GeForce GTX 650 or better.

Angry Birds Star Wars (PS3, 360, Wii, Wii U, PS Vita, 3DS)

I miss Circuit City.

I don't really agree with the Persona 4 plot twist. Of all the choices they give you for who could be the killer you can scratch off all but maybe 4 of them right off the bat without even needing to think about it. Of the few remaining choices it wasn't hard to guess who was the most suspicious out of all of them.

I was about to say. Most of this stuff was talked about at the reveal back in February you would think that it would already be built into the system.

I personally don't mind dubs as long as they aren't really bad.

Well my PS3 hasn't aged in the 5 years I've owned it.

mk2 and Victory were much better games. They completely overhauled the combat system and made it much less frustrating to play.

notice how Neptunia games aren't that popular in the besides japan?

Some of my favorite game designers are women.

If this is true doesn't it violate MS's Xbox Version can't be inferior to other versions policy?

6 months is way too long anyways. How many Xbox players do you think will still be playing AC4 after 6 months?

Tales of Xillia.

But is Dance Central alone worth the $100 it costs for the Kinect and the price of the game?

Why must nice things be so expensive?