Can't watch the video right now (I assume its the same trailer from earlier) but it sound pretty neat? What else can the Keyblades turn into? Are we going from Kingdom Hearts 3 to Disney May Cry 3? if so I'm all for it.
Can't watch the video right now (I assume its the same trailer from earlier) but it sound pretty neat? What else can the Keyblades turn into? Are we going from Kingdom Hearts 3 to Disney May Cry 3? if so I'm all for it.
It's not going to change the face of the planet, but hey, it's still kinda neat!
Wont someone just please tell me where these amazing must play Kinect games are? As far as I'm aware the only thing worth playing on it is Dance Central.
I don't think Sony spent nearly as much money or effort on the Move and Eye as MS did with Kinect.
I still have yet to see anyone in real life actually play Kinect though. What are people doing with those things?
Microsoft didn't have to make the thing at all. It didn't impact the playing of games one bit.
$250 bucks? Shit. Knock $150 off it and just give me the art book and I'll consider.
So my advice is: do battle everyone you come across,
hello thing I'm not buying.
probably. I remember hearing about Halo 3 and AC2 being given away as part of the program a while back but since then I don't think I've heard of any particular games of note being given out.
Did anyone else after catching the version legendary just immediately cram it into the PC? I didnt really care to use Yveltal on my playthrough.
Ok it looks nice from those camera angles... but where are the clips of someone actually playing from the birds eye view of the field?
P3FES looked just fine on my tv.
Should pro-choice people wear tags that say "I'm totally cool with killing babies"?
Carnival Phantasm
don't worry they'll change the kinja layout 4 more times and by then it should be fixed.
3 turns? I'm pretty sure its still 5 turns. too bad its not infinite.