
Unless you start out with Charizard than X charizard will be at 50% health too since you would still have to switch him in before you evolve.

You want in depth? IN DEPTH?

You'd have to take a college course if you wanted to figure out competitive pokemon.

Sorry, Charizard Y. You're just a slightly different version of normal Charizard. At least Charizard X is a not only a different color, but also lets Charizard become a dragon type...finally!

Gimmie a second Stephen... I'll think of some way to bash the Xbox One over this...

I'm gonna have to go with float.

If I order the batteries will Berserker deliver them to me?

Please no facebook login. My friends and family must never know of my love for games like Pantsu Quest 2.

Really? I know plenty of gun owners who have never shot anyone.

"It seems to me that going after shooter video games is a surrogate for going after real guns and real owners,"

But can it do Fantasy Football? This is the most important factor in Video Game buying decision.

I say fuck being an artform. Games should be trying to appeal to their specific audience rather than trying to appeal to everyone.

Or maybe my hope came from the fact that, with a few taps, I was battling my Pokemon up against a Japanese player I'd never met. (I won.) (They rage-quit.)

Thanks for the shout out.

Government employees shouldn't be watching those evil chinese cartoons it will turn them into communist tentacle monsters.

They should do this again with FPSs the next time the gun debate comes up.

If there isnt porn it will be made

I dont think Ken is aware of internet rule #34.

Gotta get my orange dots somehow

If only MS had played this game before they planned the Xbox One reveal

Good read Leigh.