
Grey comments are people that havent been "followed" by Kotaku. If your post gets recommended by enough people or a site author recommends or replies to it then it will become white and can be seen by everyone.

You just have to keep posting and getting recommendations until eventually Kotaku deems you worthy and


No. simply because I dont have any mobile game that need a controller. pretty much the only games I have require simple touch controls. If I wanted a game that needed a control I'd use my DS/Vita or my console.

It seems to work for youtube when they change their layout every few weeks so I guess Gawker webmaster thought it would work here too.

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1. How do you guys decide who gets to review what game?

My hype for watchdogs already kind of died down. I want to see more of the non-fucking around main gameplay before I get my hopes up again.

Or, better, yet, importing.

Or, better, yet, importing.

If you were to play Battlefield 3 footage alongside Battlefield 4 footage I honestly probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

I normally don't have any qualms about dubs in video games but the sound quality in the trailer really turned me off.


cause theyre really blocky

Can't watch the clip right now but there better be a Canada segment somewhere in this episode.

Does Double Jeopardy not exist in Italy? Unless there is new evidence that ties her to the murder can they actually try her again?

That isn't really the same as what they seem to be doing in Batman. In Demon's/Dark Souls the game world resets and all the enemies respawn but your overall quest progress isnt reset. If I'm reading this correct in Batman it would reset the entire game back to the starting point.

That's what I was getting at a Quick-save system. Some console games that don't allow you to save everywhere will allow you to quick-save if you need to quit but aren't near a save point. Normally when you restart the game and load the quick-save the game will delete it once you use it.