
Donkey Kong 64 being released on Virtual Console or remade as a Nintendo 3DS game of course...

Please Nintendo...

"I am the Night" will feature gamesaves, but will have only one life in it.

Nintendo Directs are brilliant. Just little surprises that Nintendo throws out there every once in a while. Just out of nowhere "Hey guys we got something cool to show you tonight/tomorrow!" and then my day gets a little better as I'm hyped up for whatever might be announced. Its much more fun than just announcing

I wouldn't worry about it too much. Bungie will probably release a special edition of Destiny and for just $20 - $100 more you can get a steelbook case with a less generic cover.

Solemn looking guy holding gun looking away from the cover? Shaking things up huh bungie?

why does Miss World have to be human?

Young was crowned Miss Philippines, and in an interview earlier this month described herself as a down-to-earth, natural "RPG-kind-of-girl." Jason Schreier already is proposing marriage ... BUT—"Actually, I’ve never played Final Fantasy!" she admits. Well, me either!

That goes into the whole budget management thing. I don't know if there is any truth to them but I remember hearing rumors that literally half of Bioshock Infinite's budget went into advertising.

QUOTE | "It's a scary thing, but games are becoming harder to make, more expensive to make."—Mark Rubin, Infinity Ward executive producer, on how it's a "bummer" that games are getting more difficult to make.

I'm not really a fan of fighters (mostly cause I suck at them) but you're right, The gameplay and characters look pretty lame. If I wanted a fighting game starring pretty girls I'd go grab DOA5 or Soul Calibur 5.

P4UUSH features that glorious return of Da Man!

Let's say Little Jimmy buys a super expensive car for real world cash. Whats stopping Little Johnny from stealing it?

I don't get it...

I love South Park and I look forward to the game but... What actually is the gameplay? I'm still not sure.


But will it have dogs? Cause apparently that's all that matters in FPSs now.

Perhaps they can come up with a cool design box that can be upgraded like a PC—maybe using plug-and-play packaged graphic cards

long live zombie Reagan!

Foul Play at the Fair