
Who cares about the rifle test. The important thing we should be asking is "Will it blend?"

so does this mean the NFC East will start getting less primetime games?

It might have been you.

Too whoever it was asking me about buying the Xillia 2 pocketwatch the other day... there it is

So are we sure there is no way this wont get cancelled a month before launch again? I might want to place some bets.

Half Life 2: Episode 2: Part 2.

No that's the Symphonia collection.

this game is 95% reused assets and environments with zero changes.

No its the same universe set a year after the first game. Part of the plot involves traveling to alternate timelines/realities though.

Xillia 2 is much better than the Symphonia sequel. Don't worry about that.

Now who will be voicing Ludger and Elle?

Nope. Tales of Destiny had a numbered sequel but that was never released outside of Japan.

Tales of Eternia was released in the west as Tales of Destiny 2 due to copyright issues with the He-Man franchise. The two games have no relationship though.

Fans who have played the game in Japanese report that Xillia 2 is darker and more interesting than its predecessor, which I'm starting to believe. This trailer is pretty intense.

No the sequel stars a new character but the original cast from the first game does return.

Those laptops must be pretty good if they got Patche to leave the library

Supposedly the total budget was $266 million big ones.

Cherry coke for sure.

Learn what it truly means to be scared

I hope you are ready to get knocked off you boat a million times by these guys again.