
Yay! I made the TAY post!

Nope its fun every time.

So the guy in charge of the division that releases the exact same games year after year is now the head of the company that releases the exact same games year after year? That seems about right.

So the guy in charge of the division that releases the same games every year is now in charge of the company that releases the same games every year? That sounds about right.

Now playing

Wasnt really going for a console war thread but okay... Besides the PS3 already has Titanfall

I wonder how many discs the xbox 360 version will come on.

You can never have enough Kaz

The boxes contain an embarrassing photo of Kaz at the Christmas party.

BRILLIANT! I want it on every single poster, commercial, web ad, and on the front cover of the box.

I know I know opinions and what not. I've said before I didnt enjoy Skyrim but I know that apparently A LOT of people did.

Stephen if you had to compare GTA5 to Skyrim so they could plaster an annoying ad EVERYWHERE what would you say?

"It's like Skyrim with cars"?
"It's like Skyrim in Los Angeles"?
"It's like Skyrim but fun"?

I dont see why it wouldn't. Doesn't the ipad just display a stretched out version of the Iphone app?

I'm on the side of terrible

Will it be region-free like the normal Vita is? If so you could import it.

if you have 3 quarters

Yes that was the joke thanks for playing.

Well there is always Xboner.com... Actually wait that site may be real... someone go check I don't want to...

Hyperdimension Neptunia: The App.

Its on IOS