
fictional characters...

if loving my PS3 is wrong I don't want to be right.

But I already have my waifu on my phone.

Well atleast they can release KH2 HD in the meantime I guess.

Demon's Souls did have some gender specific armors such as the dull gold set for girl or dark silver set for guys but in the long run it didnt matter since once you got to NG+ armor became near worthless and it was best to just run around as light as possible so you can dodge attacks

I can feel myself fat rolling by just looking at it.

Well 3 of them star an all female dominated planet where the only male characters are villains, One stars a bunch of girls (and guys) that kick ass and slay dragons, One is about a girl getting back at the people who ruined her wedding day, and the last one stars Lightning.

Hey the article just asked for female protagonists. It didnt ask for anything else.

Of the one I've played (which is just those 4) start with Totori. Rorona's battle system is extremely awkward which is probably due to the fact that it was their first attempt at a PS3 game.

Not sure why people complain about lack of female protagonists. I just pulled a bunch of games off my shelf that star female protags or can have a girl as the protagonist. Maybe you guys arent looking hard enough.

Said no Japanese developer ever.


Maybe I missed it but I didnt see CoDog anywhere.

never mind there he is for a split second at the end of the video.

I pretty much feel the same as I do about the western line-up a resounding "Meh." Only games from the PS4 line-up from either region I'm really interested in are Dynasty Warriors and Infamous. Both the PS4 and Xbox One are going to have to build their libraries before I buy either of them.

I'm not really a fan of Competitive Gaming but if its for charity I can give it a thumbs up. A month ago Speed Demos Archive had a big marathon were a bunch of players were speedrunning games for charity. Sending in donations allowed donators to suggest things like challenges and other silly stuff for the player and

read the url and figure it out yourself

The only recent example of censorship I can think of is in Tales of Xillia. In the Japanese version one of the villains flips the party off as it dies. In the english version its changed to pointing at the party.

Why would you need Skype if all of your friends are there watching the game with you?

I havent been paying attention to GTA 5 that much but will there be a season pass or something like that for it? The $20 credit seems like it would be perfect for that.