White guy in media reports on the overabundance of white guys in media. IK a fast way for you to actively participate in diversifying the media landscape, bro...
All white movies are bad and should’t exist, no matter the story or era. All Poc movies are good, and should exist free from a corruptive white presence. Or so the thinking goes.
This article would be a lot more interesting once statistics come out showing how many businesses actually end up reducing wages. They are free to do so now, but, as HamNo pointed out (and then ignored), there are costs to doing so.
The South has the largest African American population. Park Forest and Bellflower are both Overwhelmingly majority-minority cities. Vermont is the only area listed in the article that could qualify as “white.”
The pyramids in Giza are monuments to the vainglorious aspirations of theocratic tyrannical monarchs, built through slave labor. I demand their immediate demolition. Alt-righters can look at pictures of them if they want.
Forget about it Jake, it’s college football (the bar is always low)
I mean, Sarsour did tweet that she’d like to take two women’s vaginas away. That’s a very Trumpian notion, the fantasy of controlling women’s sexual organs.
I know capitalism isn’t well regarded around here, but a nuclear war between just the US and NK would destroy the local economy. Even if they wanted nothing to do with it, Japan and SK would be devastated. China would freak out over chaos on its borders and would hermetically seal itself in order to shield itself from…
Who do you ally with in order to not be unilateral? The EU? Saudi Arabia and Turkey? Iran and Russia? Who do you write blank checks to? A new dictator? A democratically elected Sunni Islamist government? How do you ensure the money and aid you give them don’t want go into the elites pockets, or to oppress…
America is damned if it does, damned if it doesn’t. Whenever Western (Christian) soldiers set foot in a Muslim country, extremists get rock hard on at the idea of Christian persecution of Muslims and occupation of Holy Lands. This leads to increases in terrorism, both in the Middle East and elsewhere, and sectarian…
Doris Elba and Tom Hardy are, in my mind, the two best options. I’d be happy with either.
That’s a poor excuse. The electoral college is a known quantity. If you’re chasing the popular vote, you’re playing the wrong game.
Hate can cloud someone’s reading abilities. Also, publishing deadlines.
IK, and interracial couples invariably hate themselves: I love you because you look nothing like me
Totally agree. Right now it’s everyone versus ISIS, the group everyone thinks should lose. Once ISIS territory is gone, it will be Iranian and Russian backed Assad versus American and Turkish backed rebels, with a healthy dose of Sunni extremists tossed in for fun.
Team Dream. That child was born to the worst couple in the thirstiest family on Earth.
Williams attempt to shave a minute off of her commute cost someone their life. Height of selfishness.
Yes, they do have those. But those members are part of a highly evolved branch of humanity, genetically superior to the sick poor, and those superior genes afford them access to the best care in the world. Such resources need not be wasted on the sniveling hordes of subhumans who don’t have the strength to access…