
I think your last paragraph is Crispin’s point. White feminism was usually tied with getting access to the capital and power of the patriarch that always oppressed WoC. Crispin wants to use Beyoncé of an example of her preference of using power feminism instead of white feminism, because it is also very common for WoC

It’s a domino effect. Nobody actually wants to seek asylum in Macedonia. However, countries north of Macedonia close their borders because countries north of them don’t want an unending column of refugees arriving. Countries don’t want to house/care for refugees who don’t want to be there, so they try to not be the

Which is kind of troubling that you quoted that section of the article. It says that Canadian immigrants (not refugees) are less prone to crime than native born Canadians. That is probably true, due in part to the reasons I stated in the post that you callously dismissed. You used it to imply that immigrants and

Then maybe you should’ve quoted an actual relevant part of the article. The quote you included should’ve never been in the article. It is out of context and not applicable to the situation being discussed. That is a hallmark of breitbart articles.

Canada is not a good example to use for the effects (or lack of effects) of refugees on crime. Canada accepts low numbers of refugees, carefully selects refugees that will prosper in Canada (decent language skills, good education), and vets refugees similar to the comprehensive vetting that America does. It is allowed

Ford served for 18 months aboard a Navy vessel in the Pacific theater during WWII. That ship was an aircraft carrier, the USS Monterey.

I used to have a dog and a cat, both weighing about 12 pounds. They hated each other. The cat would always catch mice and play with them for a few minutes. The dog would come over to see what the excitement was, see the mouse, and run up and kill it ASAP. They made a great hunter-killer team

And I thought I masterbated a lot...

Yep. For the the social justice stammering that comes out of Hollywood, it remains, and has always been, one thing: a machine driven solely by capitalism.

Although, the closest comparable item to Oprahs painting was a different, but more popular, version that sold for $135 million a few years back, her painting might have been assessed closer to that value than the $79 million she paid.

Only if it was valued at $150 million as an asset. Since she bought it for $79 million, its FMV would be much closer to that number in her asset listings. Her old asset was priced at $79 million (plus however much it was determined to appreciate in value while she owned it), but she received $150 million for her ~$79

There is presumably a pretty tight chain of custody for his returns. If they are leaked, there can only be a handful of suspects, some of whom might face professional misconduct or even criminal charges if caught. It’d be a pretty big risk for little return (good luck getting rich clients if you are known for leaking

I just finished reading a book on Putin, and before pretty much every election, the Kremlin would create and/or fund an opposition party or two that they could promote enough to get double digits in the election, but then roll over in the Duma when it came time to pass legislation.

Name one act of dictatorship Donald Trump has done.


The team with the white jerseys 😉

Not a lot of athletes on the white team. Unfortunately for them, also not many gritty, coach’s son, deceptively quick, high IQ, gym rats either.

That’s always been the weakness of the judiciary. They have authority, but no power to enforce that authority. The judiciary works in a system where the other players play along with needing warrants, following rulings, and deferring to the authority of the judiciary. The moment the other players stop following the

“In 2013, she said, more than 9,000 women died in criminal assaults and more than 11,000 were badly injured. In 2014, she said, “more than 25 percent of all murders were committed in families.”