
That’s the point of my post. I wouldn’t consider a group of men and women, black, white, Asian, and latinx, to be very diverse when they are all from the same two areas (NY, CA), they went to the same two schools, and they have the same two religions. Protestantism is by far the largest religion in the US, while the

I, too, have little faith in a process that results in the current court having five Catholics and three Jewish members who have all graduated from either Yale or Harvard, and who are all from coastal states.

Maybe she has Kanye tie her up.

Are you offering to purchase my children?

You raise your kids, I’ll raise mine.

IK, it’s like, come on Donald, fly your kink flag proudly. Just burn all the actually hideous flags you seem to have no problem raising.

WTF is wrong with mammals?

That and the fact that Saudi Arabia hasn’t provided much to the world economy besides oil and global pilgrimage. Their economy cannot support millions of more mid-level workers, The Saudis are already furloughing state employees (a huge portion of the population is employed by the state because, again, Saudi Arabia

Young populations across the world are a symptom of low education, unequal rights, and lack of reproductive freedom for women. We can only hope it leads to improvements.

The probability of getting murdered in America is inversely related to your income/fame. WNBA players, while not NBA rich, make enough money to have the chance to insulate themselves from the violence that plagues America’s poor. A far more relevant study would look at the murder rates of people making 75k+ a year

Judging by the dumb boy trying to mean-mug his way through his mug shot, I’m sure the uploading had something to do with appearing “hard” and “tough” and “not to be fucked with.”*

Cheers, you too. The only way I’d want to see states based on religion/ethnicity would be if there was a larger supranational organization that they could be a part of that would diffuse tensions. A United States of the Levant, or a Middle Eastern Union.

A time machine, haha. As you said, it is a conundrum, one that people with smarter minds and greater work ethics than myself have not been able to solve. For Turkey, I don’t think any change regarding the Kurdish situation will arrive while a strongman is in charge.

Haha, I should’ve italicized it; I meant the magazine.

That depends on who you want at the table. Assuming an ISIS inspired attack, no one wants to legitimize ISIS by negotiating with them. Even if you got them to the table, got them to submit to long prison sentences and reparations, and got al-Baghdadi to come out in Dabiq as a queer feminist atheist willing to extol

Ideologies are tough to defeat. You cut off the head of one, several more will pop up, especially in an ideology that emphasizes martyrdom. The technology you mention also serves to spread ideas and methods of enacting the ideology. Easy movement of people across countries with no corresponding movement of security

I mean, this article does sort of bemoan the generally poor quality of movies made by white people of the stories of PoC.

I think the majority of the anger at her is just trolls. I grew up in a conservative evangelical church, and from Sunday School through adult Bible classes, participants were encouraged to write notes/highlight Bibles. A Bible isn’t much use unless you use it to learn, and notes, etc., facilitate learning.

Drake Relays!