The only stat that pro-choice people should ever be concerned over is the access to abortion. As long as that is strong very everyone, the abortion rate doesn’t matter.
The only stat that pro-choice people should ever be concerned over is the access to abortion. As long as that is strong very everyone, the abortion rate doesn’t matter.
Congress needs to declare war. Speaker Ryan’s congress 😳
They do it for the same reasons terrorists struck a Bastille Days celebration, attacked a concert all, attacked cafes, saw off the heads of priests during mass, etc. There are lots of people at the Vatican, and it stands for a pillar of Western identity. Recent elections of show that identity is held higher than…
France has over 5 million Muslims. France has, to put it lightly, a troubled relationship with its Muslim citizens (I think both sides bear some responsibility for that, but from a potential terrorists perspective, France has pretty much relegated Muslims to 2nd class citizens).
Problematic words don’t become problematic only if acted upon
It’s my fault!
And you can feel comfortable giving someone a pass because their politics agree with yours
And you seem unconcerned about someone looking forward to trying to fuck wasted girls.
No, I stand for the idea that if you do t hold progressives accountable to progressive standards, there is no reason to listen to progressives. One of the most frustrating things is for people to overlook and excuse the mistakes of their allies while sharpening their sticks to attack opponents. If a frat had a sign up…
No fool, st Patrick’s Day stands out because more people go out on that day than your average weekend, and they tend to get a lot more drunk. It’s a drunken holiday.
My good, are you willfully blind? He specified St Patrick’s Day as a holiday for black dudes who like white chicks. It’s a holiday for a reason beyond simply actually being St Patrick’s Day, because there is something unique about St Patricks Day. Take a wild guess at what it is.
It’s right there in his tweet “a holiday for black dudes who like white chicks.” But again, eliminate race from the tweet and it remains problematic. If you can’t hold progressive feet to the fire, don’t dare hold anyone’s feet to the fire. That would be hypocritical
Trumps video was made 12 years ago. Don’t write this off for reasons of time. Hold progressive feminists to a higher standard than racists misogynists, and call them out when wrong. His tweet can be read as “I seek out drunk girls on drunken holidays in order to fuck them.” That is problematic coming from frat…
Women are drunk every weekend in America. Why single at St Patrick’s Day? Because more women are out drinking, and they usually drink more than typical.
He specifically mentioned both white women in context of a known holiday for getting fucked up, and his fetish for sleeping with white women.
I subscribe to the notion that one should hold one’s friends and allies to a higher degree of scrutiny than one’s opponents.
It’s noteworthy because he goes out of his way to mention St Patrick’s Day, a day known for white people getting even more drunk than usual.
Also, the popularity of IPAs is easily explained. As they typically have at least 50% more alcohol than regular beers, it is a good way to get drunk while protesting that “I only had 6 beers!”
This is not enough. I require an International Straight White Men’s Day. Or even better, a month.
I normally think cryogenics is stupid, especially when it’s 80 y.o. narcissists doing it. Why’d you want to wake up and still be stuck in your shorty 80 y.o. body? Plus, haven’t 80 years been enough? But this is a 14 y.o. girl who hasn’t had the chance to live yet, so hopefully it works out for her