“Violent Threats to Jewish Life in Europe”
“Violent Threats to Jewish Life in Europe”
I think your wrong on this. The republicans have always done well with the rich and the middle class. Those voters were going GOP no matter what. In this election, the Dems lost a ton of support amongst the poor, while the GOP made significant gains. Sure, Republicans are by and large still the party of the rich, and…
That’s what’s been heartbreaking about watching Obama speak about the transition. You can tell how appreciative he is and the respect he has for the way GWB helped ease his own transition to the White House, and how he made it a point not to criticize Obama in public.
I’ll still always find it interesting the effects the 3/5 Compromise continue to have. Hell, if the slaveholders had their way, slaves would’ve always counted as a full person!*
The problem for France is that it’s left is in shambles. Hollande has something like a 4% approval rating, so he won’t win anything, and it’s pretty hard to see any Socialist replacement doing well.
In the picture of Harry, do you think he is watching an episode of Suits?
This, like all exit polls, needs to be looked at in context. White women have always trended more republican than democrat. In 2012, Romney got 56% of white women while Obama got 42%. In 2016, Trump got 53% of white women while HRC got 43%, for a total democratic improvement of 4% points. White women are one of the…
The OP asked if Germany would intervene if things got out of hand in the US. That’s what this whole thread was about.
I used to hate-read Breitbart, and I always got the sense it was very pro-strong, settlement building Israel so long as Israel fought against Muslims. It seemed like Muslims had replaced Jews as the outlet for anger. I don’t care too much to head back there now to revise my impression.
First, at the point where America has descended into anarchy and requires German intervention, the whole world will have entered into a massive recession.
China is a one party nationalist autocratic government. All other countries, even with far right nationalist leaders, remain, for now, multi-party democracies.
Her party is dependent on coalitions, and her refugee policy might weaken her coalition enough to discourage her running again. There is no next person up in her coalition, so the only alternative is a center left coalition, which favors her policies.
The Germans, effectively, don’t have a military. They absolutely don’t have the power to project what armed forces they do have onto any part of the planet outside Europe. Their only power is having the strongest economy in Europe, and that is greatly dependent on a functioning EU and a benevolent USA.
I poop as often as I can, but then again, I’m an hourly employee
It requires a hostile congress and senate to impeach ☹️️
Uncertainty is always a great thing for attorneys because they have to was through the muck to interpret it. I think it’s safe to do that most attorneys, especially immigration attorneys who aren’t in the most profitable field, care about the wellbeing of their clients more than anything.
I agree but believe it won’t happen. You could hear how white women chose whiteness over feminism and progressivism, but in truth, I don’t think any Jez writers will be able to put something better than that.
Your not looking at the whole picture. Clinton performed 10% worse than Obama did with those earning under $30k; Trump performed 6% better than Romney with that same group. That cohort is about 1/6 of the total population, a significant swing. A similar but smaller swing happened for those earning between $30k and…
I’m a white man so I won’t attempt to speak for white womens views on the issue, but they are probably diverse and range from maddening to absurd to fatalistic to hopeful.